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Погода в Ижевске
За окном:-6 °С
Завтра днем в Ижевске -8 °С
Курс валют на 12 февраля 2025 г.
USD ЦБ= 95,80 руб. -0,97
EUR ЦБ= 99,20 руб. -1,30
CNY ЦБ= 13,03 руб. -0,21
Золото= 8754,90 руб.-191,14
Серебро= 95,94 руб.-3,44
Платина= 2984,42 руб.
Проголосуй за компанию


Russian   English

Here you can enjoy yourself and have a useful time for your body and mind. SPA-zone capacity is 6 people (10 people possible). Guests are provided with microwave oven, electric teapot, refrigerator, dishes and also a comfortable room for good rest.


Open round the clock.
The reservation of the SPA-zone is made on conditions that you prepay 50% of the whole cost.

We offer you:


  • Sauna with Canadian cedar cover. The cedar wood has magnificent properties of antiseptic and warm effect increasing, has a pleasant smell due to rich essential oil. Cedar has a favorable impact on the men health, calms, relieves a stress and takes off the weariness, considered to be energy accumulator and great healer.
  • Professional chat for making the effect of Russian baths.
  • A unique natural mineral jade stone has a healing impact on the human body. When heating jade becomes the source of the infrared radiation, which is often used in the modern physiotherapy, water riches it with silicon asid, which has good influence on the skin and blood.
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Swimming pool

  • A swimming pool has inner illumination and a system of backflow. Hydro-massage sprayers helps the organism to relax.
  • SPA-zone with aero- and hydro massage.
  • Water cleaning with silver ions.
  • Watching sport matches and concerts on a large screen!
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Адрес: г. Ижевск, ул. Щорса, 107
Тел.: (3412) 42-33-00, 42-42-25
E-mail: premierhotel@mail.ru
Сайт: premierhotel18.com


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